Fine Arts



戏剧和戏剧的作用远不止让你登上舞台. 从大型作品到独幕剧, these performances enhance your individual theatrical and musical talents, 挑战你完善公众演讲技巧, 并吸引各种类型的学生, with opportunities ranging from lead actor to technical crew members.

— Julia G. ’21

“[The performing arts] have definitely helped me grow out of my shell as a person and helped me make many new friends along the way.”

  • Narrator


  • 汉密尔顿阴谋论


  • 贝尔,加斯顿公司


  • 废弃工厂(1949年

    Radium Girls



Foxcroft has a rich musical heritage that dates back to the early days of the boarding high school for girls and continues to this day. The Fine Arts Department offers students a full range of musical opportunities, 包括课程, performances, and adjudicated events as well as a high level of personal attention. Each semester, there are several performance opportunities for singers and Instrumentalists, 还有学生组织的社团活动, all of which provide a thorough musical foundation and the chance to share the joy of music with friends and with the larger community.

— Scarlett D. ’21

“Piano is really important to me, and Foxcroft created an environment for me to explore my interest. There are pianos in [several locations] so I can practice every day.”



  • PIano & Voice Lessons

    学校有钢琴和声乐的常驻教师. This allows the students to take either piano or voice lessons during the academic day. 上课可以是为了充实自己,也可以是为了获得学分. If taken for credit the student must receive 14 lessons in the fall and 16 in winter/spring. Students taking music for credit must perform in two student recitals (December and May). 如果上课是为了好玩, 威尼斯彩票游戏提供了一些灵活性, 包括选择每隔一周上课.
  • 其他乐器

    威尼斯彩票游戏喜欢与地区艺术项目进行音乐合作. Any student attending Foxcroft can study the instrument of their passion even if we don’t have a resident teacher. To this end, Foxcroft has partnered with The Community Music School of the Piedmont in Upperville, VA. Their highly qualified teachers specialize in working with students of varying levels on a wide range of musical styles.

    This collaboration will further support the musical needs of the school community and talents of each individual girl. Parents are encouraged to contact the school to setup lessons for their daughter(s). If the student is a boarder, Foxcroft can provide transportation for a nominal fee. 请按连结浏览更多资料:
  • Acapella Club

    Acapella Club is a student-run group in which girls gather to sing acapella (无伴奏的)二声部、三声部和四声部的和声. 音乐是由小组选择的,风格和种类各不相同. All voices are welcome; however, there are auditions held to determine the voice type of each member.

    The Acapella Club meets once a week and has performed in 早上的会议, 秋季父母周末节目, 还有一年一度的圣诞游行.



  • 99499威尼斯信誉赞美诗

    This class meets in the evening and is open to all students who enjoy music and would like to develop skills in singing two- to four-part choral pieces. 音乐选择在风格和种类上都很广泛. 合唱团传统上在家长周末表演, 课程和颂歌服务, 圣诞游行, 舞台音乐剧, 春天音乐会, 和学士学位. Chorale may also attend the State Choral Festival and occasionally travel into the community for local performances.
  • 阿什本青年交响乐团

    Foxcroft students who are interested in playing with an ensemble may choose to audition for the 阿什本青年交响乐团 (AYSO), 一个教育和表演项目, 哪一个对5到19岁的年轻音乐家开放. Its mission is to combine and strengthen the abilities of orchestra and band students and offer them an opportunity to create beautiful music in a new setting: a symphony orchestra!

    2017-2018演出季包括三场音乐会. Students may register per concert session and are encouraged to participate in all three. New student auditions will be held at the beginning of each concert session, 取决于每个乐团的空缺位置. Placement auditions requirement: two to three minute prepared solo demonstrating the student's level of proficiency in the instrument (it may be an orchestra or band excerpt) and sight-reading.

    To register for the orchestras, please see Karin Thorndike to sign up and arrange for an audition. 如欲了解更多关于AYSO的资料,请浏览他们的 website.
  • Jam Session

    This club meets once a week and is open to all students who enjoy music and would like to develop skill in playing in an ensemble. Musical selections vary in style and variety, including pop, country, folk, and rock. 俱乐部成员也会为演出创作自己的歌曲. 欢迎各种技能水平的学生. 该俱乐部通常在公开麦活动中演出, 早上的会议, 偶尔在米德尔堡社区.

  • 器乐社

    器乐社 (IMM) is a student-run group in which girls who play any 乐器类型(包括声音)和演奏 any style of music can get together to play classical, jazz, rock, and country. The main goal of this strong and active club is for students to work together to create music and to share it with Foxcroft and the Middleburg community.

    往年, IMM曾在米德尔堡的街头表演中表演, 多次参加学校活动, and given concerts to local organizations such as the Middleburg Baptist Church and the Spring Arbor Nursing Home. This year, 俱乐部计划继续学习和提高作为音乐家, 去接触社会, 而且玩得很开心.

Facilities & 住宿

There are several practice rooms available in Schoolhouse during and after the academic day and on weekends. 这里有FoxHound Auditorium, 音乐室, 以及校舍一楼的两个教室. Practice can also be held in the game room and the dance studio in activities when these spaces are available. Students have access to two 1937 Steinway “B” concert grand pianos, 数字键盘, drums, 吉他(电吉他和原声吉他), amplifiers, music stands, 还有许多其他项目需要练习和娱乐. Students who bring their instruments to Foxcroft can keep them in their rooms if they are small enough, 或存放在学校的音乐室.


  • 无伴奏合唱俱乐部

  • Music Lessons

  • 私人语音教学

  • Jam Sessions

Voice Piano Guitar 私人指令 唱诗班签名组 器乐社
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative STEM program. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.