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Faculty Briefs

List of 4 items.

  • 30

    faculty members
  • 1:5

    faculty to students
  • 70%

    of faculty
    hold advanced degrees
  • 93%

    of faculty and administrators
    live on campus

  • 斯蒂芬妮·杨,2000年,全球研究

  • 美术系的卡琳·桑代克和杰基·沃沙姆

  • 凯99499威尼斯信誉·沃沙姆,骑马节目集锦


Professional Development & Recognition

William R. 凯南教师充实基金

The William R. 凯南教师充实基金,1979年由威廉·R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, 为教员的夏季研究提供资助, scholarship, creativity, 和卓越的学术成就,以提高威尼斯彩票游戏的教学水平. 这些赠款资助的项目将具有创新性和合作性, 支持教师的专业成长计划, enhance student learning, 以及进一步的战略和部门目标.

Recent Grant Recipients

List of 13 items.

  • 朱莉·费希尔和梅根·塔99499威尼斯信誉尔

    Awarded in Summer 2023

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  • Katie Hergenreder

    Awarded in Summer 2023

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  • Regan Antila

    Awarded in Summer 2022

    Ms. Antila explored the topic of executive function (EF) to curate a collection of resource materials for teaching faculty and advisors through a Learning Center tile developed for myFoxcroft. Research demonstrates that EF is a more reliable predictor of success in life and academics than test scores, IQ, 社会经济地位(edutopia).英孚的策略指导可以帮助学生变得有效率, flexible, 自我反思的学习者(理解).org).
  • James Sweeney

    Dr. 斯威尼研究并创建了一套代数II课程,采用自定进度和掌握策略, allowing him to meet students where they are on their math journey and help them progress through the content at a level and pace that makes sense for them. He developed the first two units of his course over the summer and created a framework that will allow him to improve on the ideas as he moves through the school year.
  • Anne Mueller

    Awarded in Summer 2021

    Dr. Mueller has worked to bolster the advisor program by reassessing and editing our description of advisory in both the Student and Parent Handbook and Faculty Handbook, 为顾问创建月度计划,帮助他们预见工作的起起落落, and instructing faculty on incorporating community building techniques in their advisories as part of her ongoing efforts to support the incorporation of Restorative Practices in advising.  
  • Katie Hergenreder

    Awarded in Summer 2021

    Ms. Hergenreder will work with faculty and student leaders to coordinate internships and mission-aligned Wintermission classes, 优先考虑体验式学习, place-based learning, and student leadership. 
  • Lindsay O'Connor

    Awarded in Summer 2021

    Dr. O’Connor will work on the alignment of research and inquiry with the Information Fluency pillars by gathering information about research and inquiry at Foxcroft and working with the library to better plan research and inquiry for English teaching and assessment for next year. She’ll then share her work with the community to offer a model of collaboration and to move us toward shared definitions of research and inquiry and shared ways of teaching these skills. 
  • Steve McCarty

    Awarded in Summer 2019

    Steve McCarty will focus on making American Literature and Advanced Placement Economics into mastery classes and transform the student experience by flipping the classroom with tutorials and giving students problem-based tasks.
  • John Scharfenberg

    Awarded in Summer 2019

    John Scharfenberg将花时间研究45位总统的58篇就职演说, 强调每届总统任期的希望和乐观. These messages and lessons learned will be directly applicable to his Advanced Placement United States History, 美国政府与政治, 及宪制法律课程.
  • Karin Thorndike

    Awarded in Summer 2019

    Karin Thorndike will enhance her knowledge of and receive certification in theatrical sound production methods and equipment through online classes in audio production. 完成协同音频概念提供的课程后, 她计划与戏剧“Tekkies”和学生演员分享她的新知识.
  • Anne Mueller

    Awarded in Summer 2018

    French teacher Dr. Anne Mueller, or “Madame,” as her students call her, wanted to address the variety of student ability levels and the disconnect between assessments and goals, as well as build in purpose and connection to the content so that students have meaningful and relevant learning experiences. She applied for and received her Kenan Grant for Faculty Enrichment to create personalized learning experiences for the students in her French 3 class that will improve fluency in French, increase cultural knowledge, and hone critical thinking, collaboration, self-motivated learning, and research skills.
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  • Katie Hergenreder

    Awarded in Summer 2018

    The new Animal Science class & 威尼斯彩票游戏的集中课程为STEM教师凯蒂·赫根雷德的凯南·格兰99499威尼斯信誉提供了素材. hergengender面临的第一个挑战是确定动物科学课程, 动物科学专业的先决条件, 这门课必须让女孩们做好准备,以应对这种更加严格的专注, 也包括生物作为共同条件, 再上九个小时的数学和科学课, 独立研究项目, 再加上实习和积极参加社团活动.
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  • Meghen Tuttle

    Awarded in Summer 2018

    Dr. Meghen Tuttle, STEM teacher and Wellness Program Coordinator was awarded her Kenan Grant this past summer to expand Foxcroft’s Wellness Program so that it aligns with advisory and residential programming, 并为新生制定宿舍课程, who are not freshmen, 确保他们在健康教育方面不会出现差距.
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List of 9 items.


The 玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默卓越教学奖 was established in 2014 by Foxcroft’s Board of Trustees to honor the retiring Head of School who spent 40+ years at the all girls school in Virginia as a teacher and administrator. The award recognizes a faculty member with a tenure of at least three years who connects with and challenges each student to develop her analytical ability, 批判性和独立思考, 沟通技巧和个人诚信.

Jane Lockhart Service Award

The Jane Lockhart Service Award was established in 2012 by Foxcroft parents and students in appreciation of the dedication, commitment, and passion of Jane Lockhart, 从1966年起就在威尼斯彩票游戏工作的人. It honors a staff or faculty member who “exemplifies a personal commitment to and understanding of all of our students,” with an emphasis on all.


List of 12 items.


北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.